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Friday, November 5, 2010

B's Round 3: All for the Price of 2 Packages of Pull-Ups

I spent a little more this time, but that was my point. I too was trying to spend $50 to use my $20 Off $50 coupon. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE Harris Teeter?

Here's what I bought (or should I say got for next to nothing):

3 packages of bacon stuffed mushrooms from the clearance produce section (I LOVE this rack!)
5 3-Packs of Caramel Apples from the clearance produce rack
(Yes, that's 15 caramel apples. We're having a Super Secret Agent birthday party at our house tomorrow and these can be for the moms to nosh on.)
1 bag of bananas from the clearance rack
3 Gain fabric softeners
2 7th Generation dish washing detergents
2 Nyquil Cold Remedy syrups
2 Johnsons & Johnsons all-in-one body wash
4 packs of nighttime pull-ups (these were my big ticket items)
3 packets of gravy
1 package of Oscar Meyer bacon
2 boxes of Quaker oatmeal
2 jars of Smuckers jams
1 bottle pure almond extract
1 chili powder spice
1 container of chocolate chip cookies from the deli department

I spent $24.59 and saved $122.31!

Not too shabby. Not shabby at all. It's like I paid for 2 packages of nighttime pull-ups and got the rest of the items (including two more packages of pull-ups) for FREE. So far I've spent $29.12 and saved $233.87 this week. My goal is to save enough money on my groceries this month to pay for those two chairs I ordered today! Do you think I can do it? :)

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