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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! It's Almost Time for Mr. Bones!

In our family we have a fun tradition before we head trick or treating on Halloween night. We get to eat Mr. Bones! Yes, that's right, eat him. The kids LOVE this tradition and look forward to it every year. On the very first day of October the kids started asking about Mr. Bones--not Halloween candy. You gotta love that.

Last year, Mr. Bones was made out of pizza, pasta and bread sticks. The kids loved eating his spaghetti guts and olive tipped fingers. The asparagus hair and portabella mushroom nose--not so much.  But they sure added a nice touch.
The year before (our first year of enjoying the frightfully delicious Mr. Bones) we constructed Mr. Bones out of breakfast foods. He had a big pancake head with cherry eyes and sausage link ribs. (The kids always get to help making Mr. Bones. I love where they placed his toes on one of his pancake feet.)
This year we are making a breakfast Mr. Bones again, but changing a few things. I'll add the picture to the post later.

Happy Halloween!

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