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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free Photos at Target

I am the mother that has the BIG bin of pictures with 5 kids of every age totally jammed in and disorganized. There are no scrapbooks and few framed photos of my darling little ones on display. When we need a picture for a school project, we head upstairs to the "bin" and search through the pictures "guessing" if that child is actually him/her (or is it a sibling?).

I know lame.

And then, there are the myriads of downloaded pictures on my computer!  Not even in tangible picture form yet!

Even more lame!

Why don't I simply get on the ball and use some of these great snapfish deals (that help you make books) or FREE prints? Maybe I will start this week with Target's great deal:

Target is offering 10 4×6 photo prints for $1 which means FREE photos with the $1/10 4×6 digital prints Target coupon.

There is also a FREE 8×10 Traditional portrait Target coupon as well. 

These come up all of the time. If I took advantage, just think....

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