Next Coupon Class

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Amazing Harris Teeter Run!

Brooke...I swear it wasn't me who took the whole coupon pad......actually didn't even see the coupons...DRATS :)  But well done on your shopping trip!!

Remember, Harris Teeter has a 3 "like" coupon policy per transaction...and with all of us out there trying to save money, I am very glad they are cracking down on that policy!

I had an amazing first run today too!  I actually made $3 (with the almonds Catalina and the Wolfgang Puck Pasta sauce)!  When you save $80 and pay nothing, I call that amazing (did you know there is room for all of to be amazing too)....

My favorite finds:

Ricola Cough Drops (seems like someone is always coughing around here)...sorry can't remember where I pulled these from
Revlon Fingernail clippers (free)...sorry can't remember where I pulled these from
Band-Aids (free)...8 count (SS 7/31)
Duracell Batteries: ZVR plus coupon in PG 10/16 (under $1)
Neutrogena Cream (free) in SS 10/23 (got the travel size)
Wolfgang Pasta Sauce (free) in SS 10/09 plus a 75 cent Catalina!
Kettle Chips (free) in SS 9/11 or RP 9/25
Blue Diamond Almonds in SS 10/16, buy four and get $4 Catalina
Lysol wipes (free)...SS 10/09...REBATE!
Jell-O (printable)
Kidney Beans (printable)

Seriously, if you aren't a couponer yet, you should be!  We have only 2 spots remaining for tomorrow night's class...JOIN US...we would love to teach you (!

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