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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Photo HIP DEAL from Jean Allen Photography

My good friend, Jean is a local photographer that has taken our family photos on numerous occasions. Two years ago, she snapped my ultimate favorite (and I think will be hard to beat) for our annual Christmas Card phote shoot (and the ONLY time I can get all of the kids together with hair combed and NO t-shirts and shorts on)!

This year we went out for a little nature walk by Chapman's Mill.  It was an amazingly warm day (but not too warm for our fall outfits)!

She not only captured us in a family photo that will remain with fondness in our memories but also took unique pictures of each of our five kids (and one of Garth and I too) that I will most definitely treasure.

Our youngest and most adorable, Ashton

 Our oldest and sport playin' fool son, Calvin

 Our "middle" child and most lovable guitar player, Ethan

 Our fourth, shy and FULL of energy (can you be both?) son, Tate

Our oldest child, only daughter, beautiful and smart (and now playing High School basketball after my pleading), Sommer

 Garth and I, crazed parents of five...and loving every minute of it (okay...most minutes).

One of our favorite shots...of many!

Jean, owner of Jean Allen Photography is currently taking appointments for outdoor family photos and has offered a discount to all of our HiptoClip readers!

For only $50, you will receive a 30 minute photo session and guaranteed at least 50 photos!

After the shoot, you will then enjoy a disk with all of your photos, edited beautifully and ready to print!

she also offers a MUST HAVE for your family (and even more importantly, your in-laws)...a cd slide show put to the song of your choice!

ONLY $10 (my favorite)!

She is filling up fast with appointments so book quickly.

Simply call her at

 (and mention we sent you to get your discount)

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